Running assessment

running injury treatment with a physiotherapist

Running is a high-impact, repetitive sport and it's not uncommon to experience pain or discomfort as a result. If you're new to running or or want to be proactive with your form, strength, or mobility then a running assessment can help! If you have pain or an injury that is limiting your ability to run we suggest booking a physiotherapy session to get you the best care.

We have found that with the right approach, you can often make small, targeted changes to how you run (ie. your gait) to improve longevity and performance.

Our assessment involves taking video footage of you running on a treadmill and providing feedback on your form and technique from a trained physiotherapist. In many cases, a short physical assessment will be included to further benefit your running.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, our goal is to help you train smarter, limit running injuries, and keep you enjoying all the benefits that running has to offer.

So if you're ready to take your running to the next level contact us today to schedule your running assessment!


  • Running assessment by a physiotherapist is typically covered by benefits.

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